Pearson and Pearson, P.C. Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Our legal practice is concentrated on probate law; wills, trusts and estates; fiduciary litigation; adult incapacity cases; and representing select conservatorships primarily in Fauquier County.
Gary M. Pearson Commissioner of Accounts for Fauquier County
9 Culpeper Street, 2nd floor Warrenton, VA 20186 Tel. 540-347-2660 Fax. 540-349-1410 Mon – Fri 8:30 a.m – 4:30 p.m.We usually close when the Fauquier County Circuit Court Clerk's Office is closed for weather or holidays. There is a mail slot in the front door.
Commissioner of Accounts
The Commissioner of Accounts has “general supervision of all fiduciaries” qualified by the Circuit Court of Fauquier County or before the clerk thereof and has “authority to make all ex parte settlements of their accounts.” Va. Code Ann. § 64.2.1200.
Informational links for those of you who are before the Commissioner of Accounts:
Top Rules for Fiduciaries
Please read Item K concerning separate accounts, cancelled checks, and taxes, etc.
Circuit Court Fiduciary Forms
We are unable to accept documents for filing with the court that contain grayed areas. You must print the form without this feature.
Information for Fiduciaries
Lengthy detailed instructions for Fiduciaries concerning the forms to be completed, reference materials, and fees.

Contact us
Your concern about a legal matter is important to us. Please call for an appointment so we may give your concern our proper consideration. Tel: 540-347-2660